Our team

Instructor Antonio Jorge Carlos Magalhães picture

A.J.C. Magalhães, PhD

Sequence Stratigraphy Expert

Stratigrapher, Reservoir Geologist, and Consultant with expertise in high-resolution sequence stratigraphy. He has 40 years of experience in the oil industry (PETROBRAS) and has been lecturing at Brazilian universities for 27 years.

His speciality lies in applying high-resolution sequence stratigraphy and 3D geological modelling to improve reservoir characterization, reservoir zonation, and hydrocarbon production.

Currently, CEO and founder of Magalgeoconsulting, a Visiting Member of China-Brazil Joint Geoscience Research Center IGGCAS (China), a Research Associate at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN-PPPG, Brazil), and Member of the Geoparque Serra do Sicorá Scientific Committee.

Magal is also an AAPG Visiting Geoscientist and a reviewer for a range of well-established, international journals including Marine and Petroleum Geology, Geological Journal, Journal of South American Earth Sciences, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Precambrian Research and Brazilian Journal of Geology.

Carbonate sedimentologist who joined PETROBRAS in 1975, where he devoted his whole professional career. He started to work with carbonate sedimentology in 1977, becoming a Consultant of reference for the oil industry and Instructor in field courses or in class. His experience includes subsurface geology, sedimentology, oil exploration and reservoir geology.

Gerson Terra is also an AAPG Visiting Geoscientist. His current research includes non-marine carbonate rocks, Jurassic and Cretaceous carbonates, high-resolution sequence stratigraphy, and outcrops analogues for Brazilian pre-salt carbonates.

Instructor Gerson J. S. Terra picture

Gerson J. S. Terra

Cabonate Expert

Instructor Francisco Pinheiro Lima Filho picture

Francisco Pinheiro Lima Filho, PhD

Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Applied Geophysics Expert

Full Professor at the Geology Department at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte and leader of the CNPq Research Group (Petroleum Systems).

Has experience in Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Applied Geophysics, working mainly in the Potiguar, Parnaíba, Amazonas and Acre basins on the following subjects: Petroleum Geology, Reservoir Characterization and Modeling (Petroleum and Aquifers), GPR, Laser Scanner, Similar Outcrops and Underground Dam.

BSc degree on Geology by the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) at 2008, Msc and PhD degrees by the Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto at 2011 and 2016, respectively. Acted as exploration geologist at Petra Energia S.A. between 2011 and 2015, where became Deputy asset leader working on subjects including basin tectonics, conventional and unconventional petroleum systems, stratigraphy and geochemistry. Professor at the Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM) between 2015 and 2018 and the Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP) between 2018 and 2022, teaching Structural Geology/Tectônics and Field Geology.

Currently, is a Senior Consultant at HR Consulting Energy and Geosciences Ltda., Senior Researcher at Computer Sciences and Geology departments of the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais and professor at the Evolução Crustal e Recursos Naturais Graduate Program (PPGECRN/UFOP). He is specialist on Tectonics/Structural Geology and Sequence Stratigraphy and is fully dedicated to understanding the evolution of sedimentary basins and fold-thrust belts, as well as their petroleum, native hydrogen and mineral systems. He has also been focusing on the application of the Artificial Intelligence on solving petroleum geology problems.

In the last years, has been working as consultant for national and international energy, mineral and environmental companies and collaborating with multiple research institutions. He is a voting member of the Brazilian and International Stratigraphy commissions and associate editor of the Brazilian Journal Geology. Musician since 2022.

Instructor Humberto Luis Siqueira Reis picture

Humberto Luis Siqueira Reis Rodrigues, PhD

Specialist on Tectonics/Structural Geology and Sequence Stratigraphy

Instructor Luis Glauber Rodrigues picture

Luis Glauber Rodrigues, PhD

Reservoir Engineer Expert

Head of the Department of Chemical Engineering, Coordinator of research projects in cooperation with PETROBRAS-UFC and GALP-UFC. Former Consultant and Senior Engineer at PETROBRAS with over 35 years of experience in modelling, Fluid Flow Simulation, production and development of national and international oil reservoirs.

He is an expert on Petroleum and Environmental Engineering, both in onshore and offshore production operational areas and reservoir engineering, focusing on flow simulation in porous media, fluids, geochemistry gas engineering (including CO2), gas storage and geomechanics.

Stratigrapher, a specialist in calcareous nannofossils and chemical stratigraphy, with 37 years of experience in oil exploration and production, 14 of which leading training of several technical careers at PETROBRAS. He worked in several sedimentary basins of the Brazilian continental margin and abroad, including South America, Europe, and Africa.

Luiz Oliveira took part in the international group of researchers that established the Global Boundary Stratotype and Point (GSSP) of the Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) of the Lusitanian Basin. In addition, he has participated in academic orientations and examining boards for master's, doctoral, and professorship exams in several Brazilian universities.

Instructor Luis Carlos Veiga de Oliveira picture

Luiz Carlos Veiga de Oliveira, PhD

Calcareous Nannofossil and Chemical Stratigraphy Expert

Instructor Ivanise Ma Maurelli Wolff picture

Ivanise M. M. Wolff, MSc

Seismic Interpretation

Graduated in Geology and MSc in Marine Geology from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. She worked as an interpretation Geophysicist for Petrobras with experience in the Brazilian Equatorial Margin and onshore basins, especially Parecis and Parnaíba.

She also managed exploratory projects in Colombia, Bolivia and shale gas in Argentina. She was a guest Instructor in geosciences training courses and monitored interns in the Exploration area at Petrobras.

Sedimentologist and Geologist with experience in evaluating formations. He worked at Petrobras for 35 years as a Well-site Geologist (mudlogging), Reservoir Geologist, Sedimentologist and as a Professor at Petrobras University, where he taught for 10 years in training and continuing education courses for geologists, geophysicists and petroleum engineers.

He is an Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Bahia - UFBA in sedimentology, petroleum geology and formation evaluation. He has a YouTube Channel with several Petroleum Geology and Well Logging classes.

Instructor Roberto Rosa picture

Roberto Rosa da Silva, MSc

Sedimentologist and Formation Evaluation

In colaboration with

Logomarca SGB - Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia Logomarca Geoparque Serra Sincorás Logomarca UFRN Logomarca UFC Logomarca UEFS Logomarca CACD Logomarca UFCG
Logomarca LAGESED UFRJ Logomarca ENEVA Logomarca 3R Petroleum Logomarca PetroReconcavo Logomarca Pré-sal Petróleo S.A. PPSA Logomarca Reservoir Solutions Logomarca ERCE Logomarca PRIO Logomarca Alvopetro Logomarca GeRisk