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  • Magalhães, A.J.C., Terra, G.J.S., Pimentel, N.L.A., Guadagnin, F., Lima-Filho, F.P. 2023. Field Course in Sequence Stratigraphy (Lusitanian Basin, Portugal): cyclicity and reservoir zonation in shallow-marine setting. Zenodo, v.1.1.
  • Magalhães, A.J.C., Gabaglia, G.P.R., Fragoso, D.G.C., Guadagnin, F., Lima-Filho, F.P. 2023. Guia do Curso de Campo Estratigrafia de Sequências (Chapada Diamantina-Ba): do preenchimento da bacia até o zoneamento dos reservatórios. Zenodo, v.1.1.
  • Fragoso, D.G.C., Melo, A.H., Gonçalves, L.A., Bunevich, R.B., Araujo, J.A.M., Costa, T.C., Pedrosa, C.A., Scherer, C.M.S. 2023. High-resolution sequence stratigraphy applied to reservoir characterization of the Brazilian Cretaceous pre-salt section, Campos Basin: Guidelines for geological modeling and reservoir management. Marine and Petroleum Geology 151.
  • Magalhães, A.J.C., Terra, G.J.S., Guadagnin, F., Fragoso, D.G.C., Menegazzo, M.C., Pimentel, N.L.A., Kumaira, S., Fauth, G., Santos, A., Watkins, D.K., Bruno, M.D.R., Ceolin, D., Baecker-Fauth, S., Gabaglia, G.P.R., Teixeira, W.L.E., Lima-Filho, F.P. 2023. Middle Jurassic multi-scale transgressive-regressive cycles: an example from the Lusitanian Basin. The Depositional Record.
  • Fragoso, D.G.C., Kuchenbecker, M., Magalhães, A.J.C., Scherer, C.M.D.S., Gabaglia, G.P.R., and Strasser, A. 2022. Cyclicity in Earth sciences, quo vadis? Essay on cycle concepts in geological thinking and their historical influence on stratigraphic practices. Hist. Geo Space. Sci., 13, 39–69.
  • Magalhães, A.J.C., Fragoso, D.G.C., Raja Gabaglia, G.P., Terra, G.J.S., Melo, A.H., Andrade, P.R.O., Guadagnin, F., Lima-Filho, F.P. 2021. Sequence stratigraphy of clastic and carbonate successions: applications for exploration and production of natural resources. Brazilian Journal of Geology.
  • Fragoso, D.G.C., Raja Gabaglia, G.P., Magalhães, A.J.C., Scherer, C.M.S. 2021. Cyclicity and hierarchy in sequence stratigraphy an integrated approach. Brazilian Journal of Geology.
  • Melo, A.H., Magalhães, A.J.C., Menegazzo, M.C., Fragoso, D.G.C., Florencia, C.P., Lima-Filho, F.P. 2021. High-resolution sequence stratigraphy applied for the improvement of hydrocarbon production and reserves: A case study in Cretaceous fluvial deposits of the Potiguar basin, northeast Brazil. Marine and Petroleum Geology 130.
  • Magalhães, A.J.C., Raja Gabaglia, G.P., Fragoso, D.G.C., Bento Freire, E., Lykawka, R., Arregui, C.D., Silveira, M.M.L., Carpio, K.M.T., De Gasperi, A., Pedrinha, S., Artagão, V.M., Terra, G.J.S., Bunevich, R.B., Roemers-Oliveira, E., Gomes, J.P., Hernández, J.I., Hernández, R.M., Bruhn, C.H.L. 2020. High-resolution sequence stratigraphy applied to reservoir zonation and characterisation, and its impact on production performance – shallow marine, fluvial downstream, and lacustrine carbonate settings. Earth-Science Reviews.
  • Melo, A.H., Andrade, P.P.O., Magalhães, A.J.C., Fragoso, D.G.C., Lima-Filho, F.P. 2019. Stratigraphic evolution from the early Albian to late Campanian of the Potiguar Basin, Northeast Brazil: An approach in seismic scale. Basin Research.
  • Magalhães, A.J.C., Lima-Filho, F.P.,Guadagnin, F., Silva, V.A., Teixeira, W.L.E., Souza, A.M., Raja Gabaglia, G.P. Catuneanu, O. 2017. Ground penetrating radar for facies architecture and high-resolution stratigraphy: Examples from the Mesoproterozoic in the Chapada Diamantina Basin, Brazil. Marine and Petroleum Geology 86, 1191-1206.
  • Magalhães, A.J.C., Raja Gabaglia, G.P., Scherer, C.M.S., Bállico, M.B., Guadagnin, F., Bento Freire, E., Silva Born, L.R., Catuneanu, O. 2016. Sequence hierarchy in a Mesoproterozoic interior sag basin: from basin fill to reservoir scale, the Tombador Formation, Chapada Diamantina Basin, Brazil. Basin Research 28, 393-432.

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